Restore Church is dedicated to helping start more churches in New Hampshire. With over 50 towns that do not have a Bible believing church we are excited to partner with Michael and his team in the Mont Vernon, New Boston, Francestown area. Check out their website here

What We are About:

Loving God and Loving Others

Making disciples of Jesus that make disciples

When and WHere:


10:00-10:30am Coffee Time

10:30 -11:30am Worship Service


Mont Vernon Village School

1 Kittredge Rd, Mont Vernon, NH 03057


According to a NH Magazine for September 2017, a dating app that matches people with what they "hate the most" showed the people in New Hampshire hated "God" above all other things. New Hampshire is the least religious state in the US with some people in the state having never met a Christian.

The need for the Good News of Jesus Christ is great! Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." - John 8:12

Our role as the Gilchrist family is to bring the light of Christ into the darkness of New Hampshire by planting a Gospel believing church. We long to see Christ exalting churches multiplied in the small towns of NH, so that each independent town can have a visible, tangible representation of Christ in their community.

Michael’s Contact Info:

(603) 867-5146